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“Climate Change Summit – Following COP26”, was held.

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“Climate Change Summit – Following COP26”, was held.

The "Climate Change Summit - After COP26" was organized in cooperation with the Sustainability Academy and Dünya Newspaper, with the theme of "Towards Net Zero", to evaluate the effects of climate change on our world, and identify the goals of green transformation, possible obstacles, risks and opportunities.

İklim Değişikliği Zirvesi-COP26 Ardından

The "Climate Change Summit - After COP26" was organized in cooperation with the Sustainability Academy and Dünya Newspaper, with the theme of "Towards Net Zero", to evaluate the effects of climate change on our world, to identify the goals of green transformation, possible obstacles, risks and opportunities.
In the 14 sessions of the "Climate Change Summit", 45 expert speakers from the business world, public sector, civil society and academia discussed the results of COP26, which is a very important decision moment in the fight against climate change, and its reflections on Turkey.
The topics covered by academics, leaders and experts were as follows:
- “Increasing Energy Efficiency Potential”,
- “Actions and Technologies for the Low Carbon Transition”
- “Climate Scenarios for 1.5 Degrees Target”
- “Towards Green OIZs”
- “The Role of Local Governments in Combating the Impact of the Climate Crisis”
- “New Business Models of the Sectors Compatible with Climate Change”
- “Financing the Net Zero Future”
- “Solutions in Combating Climate Change”
T.R. Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Murat Kurum, made the opening speech of the Climate Change Summit and stated that they aim to ensure that their investment and economic activities are sustainable and compatible with green policy and development, and climate change.

Click here for more details.
